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Cook from the Book: Bakewell Slice from Primrose Bakery Everyday

by Lottie Huckle

published on 20 June 2016

Our digital content producer, Lottie, was on the hunt for a picnic dessert that can replace her family’s favourite brownie recipe. Has she found it in the Bakewell Slice from Martha Swift’s fabulous Primrose Bakery Everyday? Find out below…

Who: Lottie Huckle, Digital Content Producer

What I made: Bakewell Slice from Primrose Bakery Everyday 

Bakewell Slice

What I thought: Before I tell you what I thought about this recipe (spoiler alert though – it was utterly delicious), you need to know two things about my family. 1. They love a pudding and 2. they love a picnic. These two things are (I promise) important to why I’ve fallen, so head-over-heels, in love with this recipe. 

You see, I stumbled upon this recipe when I was looking for something to replace my family’s beloved, but slightly overdone, brownie recipe. Brownies are a family favourite because they’re a) delicious, b) easy to transport on picnics and c) a doddle to make. Any recipe that was to replace our staple brownie recipe had to also be delicious, easy to transport and a doddle to make. You get the picture. 

I was worried we’d be eating brownies forever (not the worst fate to contemplate…), but when I saw this recipe I knew I’d found a winner. All the flavours of a bakewell tart in an easy slice! Can be made in advance! Transports easily! Plus it’s worth mentioning that every member of my family goes nuts for frangipane – I was sold. 

From the book

The recipe itself is very straightforward. You begin with the base, a biscuit-type mixture that is whizzed up and pressed into a tin. That’s right – there’s not even any tedious pastry rolling. This is followed by raspberries (I opted for frozen but have made this recipe with fresh too and there’s little difference) and then the beloved frangipane mixture. I found I couldn’t ‘spread’ my frangipane as the recipe instructed as it was too stiff, but I blobbed (technical term) the mixture over the base and it spread happily in the baking. The Slice tends to brown a little in the baking, but I covered mine with tin foil to avoid any unsightly burned edges. 

And the slice went down a storm! Plus I’ve had endless requests coming in for future gatherings. I have to admit, we haven’t dispensed with the brownies, we’re not a family who likes to forgo a dessert, but this Bakewell Slice is a very welcome addition to our picnic hamper.

If you want to make this Bakewell Slice yourself, you can do so with the recipe here

Make sure to check out the other unmissable baking recipes from Primrose Bake

ry Everyday, like this Banana Loaf and these Nutella Cookies

From the book


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