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Jamie Oliver’s Super Food Challenge Day #2

Find out how The Happy Foodie team are getting on in day 2 of the Jamie Oliver Everyday Super Food Challenge!


Jamie Oliver’s Super Food Challenge Day #1

Find out what The Happy Foodie team cooked on their first day of the Jamie Oliver Everyday Super Food Challenge!


The Happy Foodie Team Takes Jamie Oliver’s Super Food Challenge!

To celebrate the release of Jamie Oliver’s brilliant new book, Everyday Super Food, the Happy Foodie team are taking Jamie’s Super Food challenge! Three members of the team will be settling themselves the challenge of cooking from the book for a week with the aim of feeling healthier and happier.


Jamie Oliver lifts the lid on Save with Jamie

Jamie Oliver’s new cookery book, Save with Jamie, is packed with simple, nutritious, cost-effective recipes. In this video interview, he tells us what we can expect from the book and why he wrote it.


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