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Chocolate, Mascarpone and Raspberry Tarts

by Jo Pratt from In the Mood for Entertaining

Enjoy the addictive combination of rich cocoa powder, creamy mascarpone and sweet and sharp raspberries in this delicious baking recipe. Enjoy with pouring cream.


Tart is possibly the wrong word for these divine chocolate treats. They are more like a rich, dense sponge cooked in the shape of a tart. Nevertheless, you’ll love them. The raspberries prevent them from being too rich and the sweet mascarpone swirled through adds a soft creaminess.

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125g butter
50g cocoa powder
75g raspberry jam
150g caster sugar
2 eggs, plus 1 egg yolk
100g plain flour
½ tsp baking powder
125g mascarpone cheese
150g raspberries
crème fraîche or whipped cream, to serve (optional)
icing sugar or cocoa powder, to dust

Essential kit

You will need six 10cm x 3cm deep loose-bottomed tart tins, greased with melted butter


Preheat the oven to 180ºC/fan 160ºC/gas 4.

Melt the butter in a medium-sized saucepan over a low heat and sift in the cocoa powder. Stir until the mixture boils, then remove from the heat. Stir in the jam, 100g of the caster sugar, the whole eggs (not the separate yolk), flour and baking powder.

Divide the mixture among the tart tins and keep to one side. Beat together the mascarpone cheese, egg yolk and the remaining 50g of caster sugar and place a spoonful in the middle of each tart. Pull a knife backwards and forwards a few times to create a marbled effect, and then push the raspberries into the mixture, dividing them equally among the six tarts.

Place on a baking tray and bake for 20 minutes until the tarts have risen and are just firm to the touch.

Remove from the tins after they have cooled for a few minutes and serve warm or cold with cream and a light dusting of icing sugar or cocoa powder.

PS… If you are cooking for four, then the two tarts that are left over will freeze really well (or just tuck in to them the next day).


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